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Culver City Restraining Orders Lawyer
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Culver City Restraining Orders

For victims of civil harassment or domestic violence, the fear for their lives may persist even after filing their case in court. Some abusers continue their harmful actions during ongoing cases and, in certain instances, escalate their abuse while serving a sentence. Fortunately, victims have a means to protect themselves from further harm through the assistance of a restraining order.

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Restraining orders, granted by the court, offer protection to individuals, their family members, and even their pets from abusers. These orders can be requested anytime, and law enforcement can be called upon to enforce them. It’s crucial to note that restraining orders vary based on the type granted by the court, each indicating the level of protection provided to victims and its duration. If you’re uncertain about the type of restraining order that suits your situation, seeking guidance from a family lawyer is essential.

At Benefield Law - Family Law Trial Advocates P.C., there’s no need to independently navigate the complexities of different Culver City restraining orders. Our legal team will assess your situation, determine the appropriate restraining order, and file it in court. You can rely on us to ensure the orders are enforced and, if necessary, to pursue extensions.

Call Benefield Law - Family Law Trial Advocates P.C. at (310) 807-6759 for your Free Consultation with a Culver City Restraining Orders attorney.

Restraining Orders in California

In California, individuals can request different types of restraining orders to address cases such as domestic violence, harassment, abuse, violence, and many others. Each restraining order is separate from the people eligible to file it, its protections, and how long it is in place.

For family legal issues such as domestic violence and harassment, the following restraining orders are available.

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Domestic violence restraining orders or DVROs are designed to protect victims from further abuse and threats from a person they have a close relationship with, such as their current or former spouse, partner, relative, or cohabitant.

Culver City Restraining Orders thebeverlyhillsdivorce restraining 3 300x225There are at least three major types of DVRO in the state:

  • Emergency Protective Order

An EPO is granted to a victim if the judge perceives immediate danger or threats to the victims and their loved ones. The protections it offers are similar to those of a regular DVRO, with the court having the flexibility to adjust them based on the situation. The order’s duration is short, providing enough time for victims to file for a standard DVRO.

  • Temporary Ex Parte Restraining Order

When a proper request for a restraining order is submitted, and a court date is scheduled, a temporary ex-parte restraining order may be issued to protect victims from immediate danger. It provides the same protections as a standard DVRO, and the petition can be filed online.

  • Restraining Order After Hearing

If a temporary restraining order is granted or denied, a full hearing is conducted for the standard and final DVRO. These hearings can be held in person or online, and the DVRO can last up to 5 years or become permanent, depending on the case. The court may also order extensions without requiring additional evidence.

For adult victims aged 65 and older, they have the option to request an elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order. This restraining order functions similarly to a DVRO, providing equivalent protection to victims.

In Culver City, CA, our law firm can assist you in filing the necessary forms to request the correct type of DVRO for your case. We can also help you during the court hearing, fighting for a positive outcome. Our team will actively monitor for any violations committed by the restrained person while the restraining order is active and report them accordingly.

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

Victims of harassment, stalking, threatening, or harm by another person not related to them in any way or having a relationship with them can apply for a civil harassment restraining order. Much like other restraining orders in the state, it will grant you protection from further harassment and restrict the actions the restricted person can do while it is active. A person must submit a few forms to request a civil harassment restraining order against someone and wait for the court to review the case.

Culver City Restraining Orders thebeverlyhillsdivorce modifications 3 300x200The court can order temporary and emergency protection if it sees significant proof that it should be given. Meanwhile, if you wish to ask the court to renew your civil harassment order before it ends, you can quickly do so by filing the request in court. The restrained person will be notified about the filing and the schedule of the court hearing that will discuss the request. If approved, the restraining order will last five more years.

You can trust our Culver City restraining orders lawyer to help you file for a civil harassment restraining order and get it enforced in no time. Our team can also help you look into getting a renewal for your case and see if it can be done. For people who have been served a restraining order, our team can help you write a response and fight against it.

Free Consultation Today

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As a victim, there are various protections available for you to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from your abusers.

Benefield Law - Family Law Trial Advocates P.C. can assist you in finding the proper protection or Culver City restraining orders that match your situation perfectly and request it in court. Our team will also provide legal advice and support to help you feel safe as your case is heard in court.

Call Benefield Law - Family Law Trial Advocates P.C. at (310) 807-6759 for your Free Consultation with a Culver City Restraining Orders attorney.